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Friday, May 7, 2021


Today I visited to nearby villages in Sidhi district, actually there is my uncle's home in Bahari division. Nowadays I am working in Deosar Tehsil of Singrauli district, MP. In this article you are going to know about some burning issues and common facts happening to rural India regarding the corona virus disease.

Coming to the point, as all you know that COVID-19 is a pandemic that is group of viruses and is spread by touch, even from air mean too. As of May, 2021 the wave of corona virus is getting speed again, more people are getting infected. Now this pandemic is spread in villages as well. Many people are dying of corona virus disease.

As all we know that after death, rituals are followed in rural Hindu tradition. A fresh example of this accident is from Mauhariya village, (Mauhar village too) under Bahari division in district Sidhi, Madhya Pradesh. A person died of COVID-19, a lot of people gathered from different villages and participated in rituals and customs for more than 13 days. They complete all customs in group, they all follow rituals that need physical touch as well. Think, how one can be safe if a person dies of corona virus while other people are having huge probability of getting infected.

A barber was called by some powerful people of Mauhar village, whom relative was passed away recently because of the corona virus disease. They threatened the barber saying he would not ignore the order of Bahubali (powerful persons of village) to complete the customs / rituals, if he ignored they would beat or even kill him.

There are plenty of such examples where the corona virus disease is spread more because of unawareness and unwanted gatherings of individuals in the name of customs. Indeed these customs must be followed and should be respected, but as per nowadays scenario, need of the hour is to maintain the values of government guidelines and stay updated to the standards of procedure by the World Health Organization.

A request from the government is that, the officials must ensure the safety of individuals participating in these events. This is not only in death cases, but people commit such mistakes in birthday parties, marriages, Upnayan Sanskar and so on kinda events. 

As a good citizen of India, individual should realize his / her duty to curb the COVID-19. Customs / rituals are not valuable than human being lives, so let us unite and pledge not to create unwanted things that causes spread of the corona virus disease.

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