eDiplomaMCU: Bhil Tribes of Madhya Pradesh : A meet

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Monday, December 28, 2020

Bhil Tribes of Madhya Pradesh : A meet

 India has tribal majority population. Tribes are mainly those who whose ancestors were living in India for a very long of time. They did not only live here but also cared the nature. Simply we can say tribes are son of nature who lived in forests and understood the values of natural vitality.

Today we are going to talk about some qualities and culture of bhil community especially those living in center India. One more question that would rise in your mind whether sc/st both are bhils or who is bhil or under which category bhils fall. So there are majorly 2 categories of tribes, first one is Gond and second one is Bhil. These categories are called Scheduled Tribes legally they are listed in Indian constitution as tribes.

But Scheduled castes are not bhils, in sc there are many castes like mahar, mehar, satnami, saket etc. So we will be talking about ST not SC here. Actually in India Gond is the biggest tribe but in Madhya Pradesh that is central province / state of India Bhil population is larger. 

If you see map of madhya pradesh you will find Gond majority in eastern MP while Bhil majority in western MP. So let's discuss about Bhils now.

1. Subcastes - Bhils are generally with many surnames, they generally do not write Bhil word after their names. Many castes like Rawat, Dawar etc are Bhil tribes.

2. District majority population - Bhils are generally in western - south MP with majority population. Alirajpur district has the most percentage of Bhil population in Madhya Pradesh. Bhil is the biggest tribe of Madhya Pradesh following by Gond.

3. Festival - Main festival of Bhil is Bhagoriya in Jhabua district region that is celebrated during Holi festival period. In this festival boys and girls who are young choose their life partner. Interesting about this festival is boy or girl put color to each-other's face if both are liking each-other. Then the boy happily kidnap the girl, (custom, it's not real kidnapping) and later they come back home shortly.

4. Songs - Especially modern bhil people like Gujrati songs also Nimari songs as well. They dance on bhili songs and make circle with girls and boys and dance.

5. Marriage Method - Bhil do not believe in agents of God. They do not ask for pandits for marriages. They believe in nature and make witness to Lord Shiv, Budha Dev and in front of all community persons they complete marriage.

6. Wine & Meat - No doubt many people in Bhil community are pure vegetarian whom I personally know but there are majority of meat consumers while wine is their personal choice. Young boys generally consume more than those sensible parents.

7. Bhil Pradesh - Bhil state is demand of bhil community of four states' bhil living there. Gurjat, Maharashtra, Rajashtan and Madhya Pradesh Bhil people want separate bhil state for their development. It is their legit demand and they politely put their words for demanding of Bhil state. But now it is getting political support nowadays too.

So guys this is an introduction of Bhil community of Madhya Pradesh. They and their culture is strictly protected by the Government of Madhya Pradesh. State govt is giving them plenty of perks and support. Bhil are also returning Madhya Pradesh as form of Happiness & Prosperity. 

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