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Sunday, January 10, 2021


 We can see the world primarily with our senses. Today we are going to talk about how our sense centers, of which vision is the main knowledge sense, how light shows the object of light. Have you ever thought that how we are able to see different things? You can say that we see things with eyes, but do you see any object in the dark, it means that only leaders do not see any object. We can see an object only when the light coming from that object enters our eyes, this light can be a well emitted or reflected by the object.

We know that after hitting the mirror, the light ray changes in the other direction, the light ray falling on a page is called the incident ray. After reflection the returning ray is called as Reflected Ray. If a normal is drawn between the incident ray and the reflected ray, you will see in the experiment that the value of the angle of incidence and the angle of reflection are always equal.

Reflected Ray can be re - reflected -

Recall that when you go to the haircut shop, you can see that the mirror in front of you and the mirror in the back show each other a picture of each other and you can see how your hair is being cut.

When you are able to see an object, it means that there is light on that object and its beam is reflected and comes to your eyes, we will see it in the coming post, let us tell you that what you cannot see. The real reason for this is that the light falling on it is reflected and you do not see it. Because if you see an object with your eye, the ray that is reflected in this way can affect your eye only, so today we are going to tell you some facts that you should try and that should be cautioned here. Gone you should take care of them.

Care of Eyes - It is essential that you take proper care of your eyes. If there is any problem, you should go to an ophthalmologist. Regular eye examination should be done. If advised, use appropriate glasses for very little or very much for the eyes. More light is harmful. You can have eye strain and head pain with enough light. Sunlight can bring more powerful light or laser flashlight to the retina. Surya Never look directly at a powerful light source. Never rub your eyes. If someone accidentally falls into your eyes, then wash the eyes with clean water. If there is no improvement then go to the doctor. Always read the reading material. Keep it at a normal distance, do not read your book by bringing it to the eyes at a very long time or taking it far away from the eyes.

Light is the reason that makes possible driving in night, seeing vehicles in side mirror. In coming articles we will discuss about various lenses, mirrors and some useful formulas as well.

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