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Friday, March 12, 2021


 Make in India campaign was launched in 2014 where dream was to make products in India and provide employment to skilled labors, personals countrywide. This is like a product is produced in a certain region and consumed by indigenous people. 

Need of Make in India was necessary because we used to buy every single product whether it was festivals, events or normal needs. Thus we used to export less than importing, this made India's trade deficit larger. A country can progress when people living there have employment and that country make sure to maintain least trade deficit.

Since India a great and huge market since buying products from outside countries like China is really not beneficial for India's interest. We are dependent on electronic (most portion), machine, pulses etc. Even China sell India toys or such cheap products that can be made in India with least price and that will also produce employment. This made India take an initiative of "Make in India" campaign. Afterwards this campaign did not only affect morally but mentally, majority Indians made sure to buy lamps, toys, daily use cloths made in India. So it made great impact.

Even today sometimes we forget about this campaign and start buying Chinese phones, equipment, products that cause loss of employment in India and trade deficit. Actually dark side of Indian manufacturing is that we are still not so capable of producing such items like China, reasons may be different. We realized the value of "Make in India Campaign" when recently our 20 soldiers died and a campaign "Boycott China" was led by Sonam Wangchuk made us realize the power of our wallets.

In brief even today we are not focused on Make in India campaign, we feel the need of it when something occurs bad internationally for us. Any campaign cannot be succeed within days or years, it takes some time, we should always personally try to promote this campaign. need of the hour is not to only produce products make in India but also try to spread sentiment of increasing consumption of make in India products so that supply chain could be maintained, and Indian economy would keep thriving.

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