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Saturday, October 9, 2021


Friends, I am Abhishek. An aspirant of NABARD Grade A exams. I had attended interview for Rajbhasha Adhikari, and I secured 24 out of 25 marks and clearly listened appreciation from MD of NABARD Chintala sir this year in January 2021. Unluckily, I was missing my name in final list for selection but I feel confident now and consider myself a better human being who will contribute better to the country and society. This article is not only an essay on Dowry system in India but it will reflect the dark side of the society and I will completely provide you analysis here of dowry system. This is not only a professional essay on dowry bane in flying decorative words, but it is emotions attached with someone close to me or everyone's. 

Not coming to direct to the point, let's create an environment of talk. As per legal acts "Dowry Prohibition Act", dowry is amount, or form of amount, physical, not visible or visible thing that is given either any groom or bride party. Commonly it is given by the bride's side. Actually there are two theories of defining dowry. Those who consider that dowry is right and even it should be continued, they say that father/guardian of bride offers dowry to groom to give share the equivalent amount of ancestral property to his daughter that is not about to be divided among daughters and brothers in future.

Other side, dowry is considered as bane and illegal by some people. We cannot relate dowry to education because it is seen that more civilized people demand more dowry. Since the government of India has brought Dowry Prohibition Act, this is termed as illegal among educated individuals. Dowry system is being related with different civilization and religious show offs. There are many cults in India today who do not demand a single penny for dowry and yes we proud of them.

The demand of dowry is not as simple as reflected on media and we read on newspapers. Nowadays, after the intervention of government most of girls lodge fake FIR on husband or his relative for revenge or any other reasons. Sometimes women use Dowry Prohibition Act as tool of hypocrisy and falsehood. But there are genuine cases where girls/women are badly treated by the family. There are two types of human living on earth nowadays. Those who only create hypocrisy and only money matters to them and other side those who have real heart inside body and do not demand dowry and want eradication of this sin.

Before discussing the propaganda and wrong happenings in India, I would like to bring some data to you so that you can think demanding and committing crime/domestic violence for the sake of dowry. For your kind information as per the NCRB (National Crime Record Bureau) about 19 women were killed daily in 2020 for the sake of dowry. There are thousand cases pending in courts in India against dowry, and we acknowledge that all the cases are not true, but the murders because of dowry are true in far extent.

One side, those who say that father of groom gives the amount to daughter in order to that ancestral property his son will get. Actually there is a rule that every daughter can claim in her paternal property even after marriage or any time in future. After the amendment in this rule brought by the government previous year many brothers, fathers, uncles and rude behavioral greedy people opposed this rule fearing of misuse of it. Yes there is going misuse of it, but legally. Government is not pressurizing the lady to do so, but if she does, she can get the property. Dowry has many forms, even before the marriage, after the marriage or later much time of marriage. Using women as tool to get others property for the personal benefits is bane in society and it is going on dramatically.

I have an experience of dowry cases in central India, I live in Madhya Pradesh and have well communication with residents of Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand, Chattisgarh etc. Most of people here like dowry and support dowry as civilization. Parents want their children provide engineering and similar courses to get hike dowry rates. People do not hesitate saying false pretending their children in which profession. Even girls' parents also think they will recover in their turn. Dowry system has created an space in blood of most of people.

In most of cases the bride or the person who is married to a woman is unable to earn livelihood and he himself is dependent upon his parents even after much time. This results double pressure on the lady and unfortunately the lady is not that much literate to obsess it. Most of the women candidates in family also promote dowry for their children, dowry is seen as strata of living and respect among society. If someone says that dowry system has been eradicated and only uneducated people practice it, then sorry for you, your knowledge regarding this bane is low. In Madhya Pradesh, mainly in upper castes people take and give dowry as per the earnings, job type, property value he has, etc. At my work place, I often listen literate people in government job talking about the value of his service and how much he will take dowry.

Since I also live in a society and I have to follow the rules by the society. But I do not hesitate saying that dowry is a bad custom and it is playing with thousand lives of women every year. I also do not oppose it whether someone should take dowry of not, but he must understand that everyone should marry a women, a soul. If someone is marrying you for 30 Lakh of dowry, can you believe at that person what if he gets 40 Lakh from other party after marriage? Above mentioned is illustrative concepts of society, but there is different reality too. There is a form of dowry from girl side too. If someone wants to see the discrimination of hypocrisy then he must once visit any matrimonial site where he can see the demand of women/ladies wanting high paying NRI people, irrespective seeing their own strata. Dowry prohibition act has brought to control the violation against women from dowry related domestic violence, but nowadays it is being misused.

By the way, as per time people are being educated and morally improved, and this is making all the differences and there are many examples come to us rejecting dowry in their marriages. This is a good sign for society and for India. In my upcoming articles I will keep sharing valuable posts related to legal and laws so that you can be aware of dos and don'ts. 

Hope this article is useful for you. Speak out in comment section if something is happening in your mind. You can visit my YouTube Channel "DigitalSoftHub" for more updates. 

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