eDiplomaMCU: Omicron (B.1.1.529): SARS-CoV-2: A new Variant of Covid-19 - People Infected by Covid-19 prior are in More Danger

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Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Omicron (B.1.1.529): SARS-CoV-2: A new Variant of Covid-19 - People Infected by Covid-19 prior are in More Danger

Omicron is a new variant of coronavirus. In this article we shall discuss in brief about Omicron and will also explain about the current situation in India concerning Omicron variant. As per news reports Omicron could is more dangerous than any other variants of Covid-19 prior. We shall also discuss about the possibilities of Lockdown in India in 2022.

Omicron: A new variant of Covid-19

Covid-19 - Its full name of Corona Virus Disease 2019 and it is group of many viruses. Covid-19 has ruined the lives of many people worldwide. Countries have faced economic and health crisis. Actually, all of you have witnessed the hardness of the coronavirus pandemic. This outbreak has broken many lives and it is also not gone so far.

Omicron - Omicron (B.1.1.529): SARS-CoV-2 is a variant of Covid-19. You can also say that Omicron itself is Covid-19. Before concluding about this variant we should see the official data and texting of WHO (World Health Organization) about Omicron. So, in this article I have taken facts from WHO that is the biggest institute of genuineness.

What is 'Variant'  "Most viruses – including SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19 – evolve over time. When a virus replicates or makes copies of itself, it sometimes changes a little bit, which is normal for a virus. These changes are called “mutations”. Any virus with one or more new mutations can be referred to as a “variant” of the original virus." Virus of Covid-19 are capable of making self copies and changing the characteristics. 

Current knowledge about Omicron - On 26th November, 2021 WHO designated a new variant of Covid-19 as Omicron. There is no definite knowledge about Omicron as of now as per the World Health Organization. It is a variant, or showing similarity with Covid-19 mutations.

Transmissibility - "It is not yet clear whether Omicron is more transmissible (e.g., more easily spread from person to person) compared to other variants, including Delta. The number of people testing positive has risen in areas of South Africa affected by this variant, but epidemiologic studies are underway to understand if it is because of Omicron or other factors." So it is clear that Omicron is a contagious disease similar to other variants of coronavirus but it is not sure whether Omicron is more contagious than other variants.

Severity of disease - It cannot be said that Omicron is more dangerous in terms of severity because of less knowledge about same. More people are being hospitalized in South Africa but it cannot also be said that the reason is Omicron. It may be or may not be more dangerous than other variants of Covid-19.

Effectiveness of prior SARS-CoV-2 infection - Those people who have been infected by the Coronavirus before are at more risk of being inflected by Omicron. Those people could be reinfected.

Effectiveness of vaccines - Vaccination is effective reducing severe disease and death by some variants of Covid-19. Vaccination could be effective for Omicron too. Further studies will tell whether vaccination is that much effective as other variants of Covid-19.

WHO Recommendation for Countries - After the recognition of (B.1.1.529): SARS-CoV-2 as new variant of Covid-19 named Omicron, the WHO has alerted countries worldwide. WHO has said to countries to keep surveillance strictly and follow the rules of SOP (Standard of Procedure) like wearing masks, avoiding public gathering, using sanitization and maintaining hygiene. Also WHO expected the countries to have more testings to know better increasing cases of new variant of Covid-19.

Omicron in India & Lockdown 2022 - There are not many cases in India of Omicron as far today dated when I am writing this article. By the way there is a chance of possibility of existing Omicron in India because of unlocked conditions. As the WHO released guidelines against Omicron, many countries have started following strict guidelines. There is high probability of lockdown in India in 2022 in some month of March-April. 

Even, Madhya Pradesh government conducted an urgent meeting on Omicron and decided to open school with only 50% of students capacity and also ordered schools to continue online classes. The Madhya Pradesh government has also warned not to hold protests and public gatherings. These are signs of lockdown in near future.

There is also a chance of Open Book Examinations or general promotions for different academic examinations within India for 2022. Other aspect is, governments willingly will misuse the new variant to impose lockdown and imposing hefty fine to common people. Formerly, we have witnessed the corruption in hospitals and in market, same could happen in near future and supplementary inflation could also take place. Recent example, government employees of Madhya Pradesh were willing to hold a huge protest for demanding dearness allowance equal to central government, the Shivraj led Madhya Pradesh government has released a guideline warning to people of not holding any type of protest and public gathering. Virus and disease are a political tool nowadays.

Hope you like this article. Share this article to your friends/study circle/working mates so that they can be aware against Omicron. You can watch video ओमीक्रॉन (Omicron) - कोरोनावायरस का सबसे ख़तरनाक वेरिएंट | क्या 2022 में भारत में लगेगा लॉकडाउन?

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