eDiplomaMCU: Reading more can improve your English

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Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Reading more can improve your English

English is just a language. It has nothing to do with knowledge level. In Indian society, after the British rule English has become a language of pride. It is also true that Britishers ruled most parts of the world and it was broadly used as official language then. Time changed but the mentality of people remained same. So, as per now we cannot oppose the importance of English. This language is broadly used worldwide. Proficiency in English may lead us towards growth in career, we can enhance our reach.

English is easy - People those who live in English environment can easily grasp and easily learn English but those who are from Indian rural areas or live out of English society, it becomes them hard to learn English. Now, in the era of internet most of content available on internet is in English. Everyone is somehow associated with English. There are many ways to improve English but in this article I'm going to share some tips for average Indian student who can learn speaking and writing English proficient by his own.

Following are the steps to be followed to improve English -

1. Start with zero. Means we need to understand the basics of English. We should treat it as just a language, not a life.
2. Start reading books, articles over internet. When we read, we not only grasp the content but we also resemble in our mind. We can use dictionary at first, but can drop using vocabulary later. We should try to understand the story and assume the meaning of words.
3. Writing the story what we read. It can help us recall the things what we understood. It will help us improving our grammatical mistakes gradually.
4. Try to speak English. Now, you will find that speaking in English is kinda difficult than writing or understanding English while reading. It is only because we don't have regular practice. But as time passes, you keep reading more books, repetitively, more articles over internet, it will help you feel more comfort while speaking in public.

So, we should keep in mind that reading more and more helps us improving knowledge. More knowledge we have, more content we will have to talk. If we have to deliver a speech on a particular topic then we can go through many articles, and these articles may help us recall some vital points while we speak. Reading more not only improves our English but it also helps us getting rid of hesitation. We can read loud in a room or outdoor, also we can speak or read loud in front of mirror to improve our fear level speaking in public.

Group discussion is also a good thing. You can make your friends' group over internet (Whatsapp, Facebook, etc) and start chatting with them. Initially chatting/texting may help you improving English, later you can try speaking or talking over phone calls in your group. While reading interesting books you may find some words that can be used in daily life. Like some words what we use in daily life, can be replaced with English words. It will help us improving our English vocabulary.

Don't ever think that your are reading to learn English. You should focus on learning in English. While reading or learning English you should not only focus to read English grammar books or English related textbooks, rather you should try to read books in English medium. You can read comics, cartoons in English, religious books, newspaper, jokes, computer, books of different standards. Reading different books in English medium will lead interest in you. You can pickup some subjects and share that with your group members/friends and start discussing.

Another part is mock drill. You with your friend circle can conduct debates, group discussions, speech delivering, interviews, or one to one usual talk. But always remember that these should be based on some fruitful study. Before delivering speech on any topic we should be aware of what we are discussing or what we are talking. Conclusive, only reading makes us eligible to get proficiency in any language. Watching moving, videos, seminars, speech in that language comes later.

So what are you waiting for? Start reading more and more books, articles in English. Follow the above methods and see the positive result within months. Once you see improvement, don't stop but always keep learning.

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